Delivery by bicycle is the trend of the last few years! Bicimensajería, specializes in the delivery of documents, small packages, florists and home delivery of food. Deliveries are fast and allow to reach the last corner of the cities where other vehicles cannot.
Tannus Tires at Sea Otter Europe & Orbea Cadí Challenge 2018 We were present at two of the most outstanding events of the month of June and we tell you the highlights. During June 8-9-10, the Sea Otter Europe fair held in Girona opened its second stage after its great inaugural success, doubling the number of [...]
Today is the international day of solidarity and we would like to announce that our commitment to Bikes Without Borders is still active ? This September, we will contribute with 500 more Tannus tires for the Bicycles for Education project in Palmarin, Senegal ? Since we started collaborating, according to the words of Romà, president of the foundation, [...]...
CicloViajeros Matyas Amaya (@Matyamayaporelmundo) and Ferran Catalán (@pedaleamundo) tell us how it is to travel with Tannus. INTRODUCTION Last August 22nd we told you who Matyas Amaya was, today we bring you the final part of his goal (Russia 2018 World Cup) and we will introduce you to Ferran Catalán, another CycloTraveler who [...]
Action that we have carried out this week with the collaboration of @bicicletassinfronteras. Donation of 220 Tannus tires for the Bikes for Education project in Palmarin, Senegal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #tannus #tannusrider #aither #ruedasantipinchazos #bicicleta #ciclismo #enbicimejor #bicicarretera #biciurbana #cycling #cyclinglove #cyclinglove #colortires #citybike #instabicycle #cyclinglife #urbanbike #gravelbikes #fixiebikes #picoftheday #instagood #cyclingpics A post shared by Tannus [....]
For today we bring you a special entry that we are very excited to tell the world, is the story of Matyas Javier Amaya, an Argentine who decided to give everything for freedom. Social networks are a perfect tool to communicate and in this case, thanks to them, we were able to find Maty.
As every year, last May 18 started the Grand Prix Minsk Track Cycling 2017, a one-day cycling race held annually in the city of Minsk, Belarus. It is part of the UCI Europe Tour, one of the 5 continental races that takes place within the UCI Continental Circuits, the others being [...]
Last March 22nd was the start of the Taipei International Cycle Show 2017, one of the most important international fairs in Asia. It is held simultaneously with other fairs in the sports sector and is ranked as the 2nd most important fair in the world behind Eurobike - positioned as the 1st fair [...]
More and more brands are joining the anti-puncture revolution and betting on Aither technology to incorporate them as standard on their bicycles. Today we tell you how Chacle, Specialized, Vitoria Bikes, Gi FlyBikes and Frank have done it, brands with different backgrounds but with something in common: To provide users with a new way to [...]
If we are talking about Tannus, we are not telling you anything you don't already know about punctures and maintenance (the cyclist's number 1 concern). In this post we want to answer one of the questions we have been asked the most since the beginning: Are there triathletes and teams that wear Tannus?