If you are one of those who look for attributes in a bicycle such as quality, functionality, perfect finishes and a spectacular design, you will follow every step of the way. Specialized and the new models it is launching on the market. And you will know that Specialized has recently launched a new range on the market with new models of urban touring bikes among which are Alibi Sport EQ.

This model is designed for all those who are looking for functionality in a bicycle, and forget about any associated concerns. And here they will find it, because they will neither inflate the tires, nor perform any type of maintenance. And the fact is that we are dealing with puncture-proof tires. Do you know what we are talking about?

Exactly, in the Alibi models they have relied on the technology used in the Tannus models, the Aither 1.1 technology. The Nimbus Airless tires have been designed by Tannus exclusively for Specialized, because after the different evolutions of the Aither technology over time, they have considered that it was the best bet for the new range of Alibi bicycles. 

And what are the advantages of this Aither technology?

-Your lightnessThey are lighter compared to conventional tires.

Durable against chemical aggressions from the outside. The material cannot be degraded, hydrolyzed or aged.

Differs from any existing technology from the point of view of both the process used and the effects.

-It has a 6000 km minimum warranty.

And the combination of the elements that make it up provides strength, stability, elasticity, lightness and durability.

Here are some images of the Alibi Sport EQ model:

Specialized Alibi


Detail of Nimbus Airless:

Specialized Alibi Aither


 Specialized Alibi


Nimbus Airless Specialized Alibi

Press play to see the launching spot of this new model:

Specialized, one of the best bicycle brands in the world and a pioneer in innovation, with the incorporation of these Nimbus Airless tires, is creating the new concept of maintenance-free bicyclethanks to the Alibi range of bikes, one of the bikes with more units manufactured in its 2017 collection. Undoubtedly, this concept is becoming more and more widespread, as it is an evolution of technology to put itself at the complete service of users.

We at Tannus are very proud that you have counted on our technology and have signed up for puncture-proof bicycle tires.

Where can you find the new Specialized model? At the moment in Cariñena Cicles, along with the entire Tannus range, but we hope that more and more brands will join this revolution!

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