Tannus and the Gyrocycle

Tannus Tires and the Girocleta join forces!

Tannus puncture-proof tires are used for Girona's public bicycle service.


The Gyrocyclethe public bicycle service of Gironahas celebrated 10 years since its opening this week.

The number of stations has been increasing year after year and now totals 21 stations.

Since 2009, the following have been accounted for more than 2.5 million trips and the desire to continue improving the service does not stop, the recent implementation of the Tannus is proof of this.

"Since Tannus we share the vision and the clear commitment to sustainable mobility of the Gyrocycle

What aspects are improved with Tannus?


The main complaint of the users of the Bike Sharing are the punctures. The Tannus are 100% anti-puncture, glass, nails and all kinds of sharp objects, thanks to this we put an end to this problem.

The puncture, in addition to "slowing you down", creates a feeling of guilt and, above all, anger in the user. With Tannus We avoid this situation by eliminating the "luck" factor of pricking or not pricking.


In addition to punctures, the second complaint is the condition of the tires, the deflation of these causes that not all bikes are 100% ready at the moment, which significantly reduces the chances of using the service.

This problem is solved because the Tannus do not lose pressure and the bike is always ready.


The combination of the two previous points translates into a great improvement in the cyclist's safety, avoiding accidents due to punctures, tube burst or flat tires.


Thanks to their solid construction and their compound, with the Tannus are avoided acts of vandalism, They cannot be punctured or deflated and being colorful discourages theft as the bikes are more identifiable.


Thanks to the variety of colors of the Tannus, makes the use of the service more appealing. makes the use of the service more appealing. Users are attracted by the color and then fall in love when they see that they are puncture-proof.


From Tannus we share the vision and the clear commitment to sustainable mobility of the Gyrocycle.

The Tannus are a cover for Eco-Friendly, They save on tire and inner tube waste, the production process is more efficient, and the materials are less harmful and 100% recyclable. Find out more at our dedicated entry.

If you are from Girona and you have tried the Girocleta, you can share your experience with us using the hashtag #TannusRider y #Gyrocycle.

To celebrate it we wanted to make a raffle of some Tannus. Don't miss it!


José Julio Jiménez (@Jmelli10) Congratulations!

Check the raffle at the following link 😉


We will contact the winner, if he/she does not respond within 24 hours we will proceed again with the drawing.

Don't forget to follow us on our social profiles to keep up to date with the latest news!

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Facebook: https://facebook.com/tannustires

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tannustires


The team of Tannus Tires







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