Bicing Barcelona eliminates punctures on its urban bicycles

Bicing Barcelona with tannus tires

Bicing, Barcelona's bicycle sharing system, has installed Tannus Tires and has eliminated more than 35,000 punctures per year. With Tannus, the commitment to the care and protection of the environment goes even further thanks to the bike sharing programs implemented in Barcelona in which it actively collaborates Tannus.

Only four words are needed to change the current transportation paradigms and the travel habits of millions of people: sustainable mobility alternatives. The real axis of change is in action, in acting and in adopting new habits. The development of new technologies has also contributed to launching new, more sustainable mobility alternatives.The use of these technologies has been a key factor in the development of the new technologies, both from the point of view of decongestion of cities and from the point of view of respect for the environment.

If there is one thing we are proud of as a team, it is the fact that we have been able to develop highly sustainable products. More and more cities are joining the bike sharing movement. Some examples are Barcelona or Girona that have decided to reduce their environmental footprint with Tannus.

Bicing Barcelona with Tannus and Pedalem

Inclusion of the puncture-proof wheels Tannus Tires in these types of projects really do have a positive impact on our daily lives. We don't say so ourselves, but the figures from the Bicing Barcelona (Pedalem) after using our solid tire:

  • 2500 and 3000 punctures per month on average that needed to be repaired. Per year? Between 30,000 and 36,000.
  • 2,000 air chambers that needed to be replaced monthly, which generated a lot of waste. A year? No more and no less than 24,000. 
  • The obsolescence of a traditional tire is higher compared to that of a Tannus tire. The mere fact of extending the tire's service life contributes to minimizing the volume of waste generated and reduces manufacturing levels.

Do you know how long it takes to assemble one of our solid tires in Pedalem's workshop? Fifteen seconds. One of the guarantees that Bicing Barcelona now has with Tannus Tires on its tires is that they ensure the reduction of annual waste. In turn, when they reach the end of their useful life, they contribute to the circular economy because they are 100% recyclable! The minimum guaranteed distance is up to 6000 km. THESE ARE THE COVERS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!

Bike sharing service in Barcelona using Tannus solid tires as a sustainable mobility alternative.
Bike sharing service in Barcelona using Tannus solid tires as a sustainable mobility alternative.

Fewer punctures plus peace of mind for Bike Sharing

In addition, at the operations centers of the public bicycles like the one in Barcelona, the operators are more relaxed. They no longer worry about punctures when bicycles that need to be repaired come in, but spend their time doing preventive maintenance so that the user who is going to use Bicing Barcelona has the product in perfect condition. Brakes adjusted, chain lubricated, bolts and nuts and bolts ready, etc.

Further encouraging data motivates us to continue innovating. Tannus saves 30 times more energy during the production process of Tannus tires than during the manufacture of traditional tires. The elimination of the puncture on the part of Tannus makes the maintenance cost of an e-bike cheaper, substantially improves the service offered to the user and, of course, we ensure that the bicycle is a sustainable mobility alternative in the short, medium and long termIs there cheaper energy than that generated by humans every day?

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